UNRAID Media Server
- Plex Media Server
- Jellyfin Media Server
- ClamAV (anti virus)
- Minecraft or Rust Servers
- Video Surveillance Software
- Cryptocurrency Mining
- Home Assistant
Data Shares
Store your families Media in one location that can be easily restored in case of data loss. Access this Data from Any Machine in your House without having to store it. Encrypt that information if you wish. Remote Data access also possible if you set it up.
- Monitor & Control Server from a convenient Web Based GUI
- Makes Linux look Pretty
- Monitor Server Vitals – CPU, GPU, Temps, Fan Speed, etc
- Download Dockers (self contained programs) that run in your server.
- Add Plugins to your Server.
- Enjoy Stability you will never see on Windows.
- Lifetime – Basic – $60 (6 Drives), Plus – $90 (12 Drives), Pro – $130 (Unlimited Drives)
- Free 30 Day Trial. NO Credit Card Needed until after 30 Days.
UNRAID.NET 30 Day Trial Download