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Eazy & Breezy Cover Cats Sunbathing

My Adorable and Famous Cats!

My Cats Eazy (Black & White) and Breezy (White & Brown) both Female.

“Eazy, Breezy, Beautiful, Cover Cats”

My cats have have their own social media accounts which gives them a nice online media presence and then because this is all too adorable to keep to myself I figure why not share it with the world!

They were actually adopted from a local Rescue that pulled them from the county animal shelter. I was volunteering for that Organization, which at the time was called Purrfect Angels, so it gave me an inside look at the personalities of each cat. This made it truly easy to select which cats I wanted and which cats would fit with me and my girlfriend at the time.

Do your part people, when deciding to get an animal avoid breeders and stick with shelters and foster homes. Some of those animals ended up homeless by accident like their owners died or even they were dump by their owners. Either way when they end up in the shelter its the last stop and if their owner wantes to pic

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My Sweet Little Baby Eazy… She is so spoiled sometimes, here she is being pet by both of us at the same time and just loving it…
Eazy Upside Down
Eazy & Breezy Laying on Daddy taking a Nap
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Breezy Upside Down
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