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Samantha Lewthwaite - The White Widow

The White Widow (Samantha Lewthwaite) – Mother to Future Terrorists

A white girl of British nationality was somehow climb the ranks of a Muslim Terrorist Organization called Al-Shabaab. She ended up wielding such substantial symbolic imagery as a while lady to become the mother of children from other Muslim Warriors to raise Mujahedeen for the Terrorist Cell. By now she is probably the mother to many future jihad fighters of tomorrow who will be especially hard to stop initially being that their mixed heritage will allow them to move freely throughout the world more than a typical 100% Muslim would be able to.

Samantha Lewthwaite with one of her Possibly Many Babies

Her story starts young, when her parents divorced she didn’t really gravitate to either parent, instead she ended up spending time with her Muslim friend and her family, as far as we know this is her 1st experience with the religion of Islam. Eventually she met and married a man by the name of Germaine Lindsay at a stop the Iraq war rally in London. This was the same person responsible for the 7/7 subway bombing that killed 56 people including the 4 suicide bombers. She played up the idea of naïve housewife to the cops and the press. Most people genuinely thought she knew nothing of the attacks and after 6 years or so she had dropped off the radar in the UK.

She seemed to have resurfaced again in Mombasa Kenya where eye witness reports put her at the scene of where a grenade went of in popular sports bar there. After that incident she was wanted by Kenyan, British, plus Interpol authorities. So she went into hiding into what is known to be territory controlled by Al-Shabab. At this point in her terrorist career she was gaining notoriety and becoming symbolic as a mother of future Jihadists because she had mothered multiple children with many different terrorist warriors.

In Kenya she was using the name Natalie Faye to hide herself. At this point due to the increased pressure on her by authorities she is no longer carrying out attacks on her own. She is now giving order drews and planning the attacks. She was said to have planned the Nairobi Westgate Mall Attack where 71 people were killed and 200 were injured. 4 Terrorists entered the mall shooting firearms and throwing grenades, eventually they held 4 shoppers hostage and the situation took 4 days to end. By the time it was over 3 floors of the mall collapsed. Years later it was rebuilt and reopened.

Interpol won’t actually arrest Samantha Lewthwaite what they do is put out a trip wire so to speak that if she happens to get arrested or picked up in 1 of the 190 countries around the world then she will instantly be detained and extradited back to Kenya where there is a warrant for her arrest.

At this point it seems The White Widow seems untouchable, able to hide behind the Al-Shabab wall where the Kenyan Authorities cant reach but may even know exactly where she is located but just can’t get to her safely without risking killing civilians.

Her current whereabouts aren’t exactly known but odds are she is in a heavily protected Islamic extremist territory. Either in Kenya, Somalia, or Yemen. She was also spotted in South Africa, presumably just to give birth to her 4th child then probably straight back to the safety of the majority Muslim Countries she travels safely throughout.

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