New Wawa Breakfast Burrito ($2.89)…
Now I am not talking about the Burritos that you can order from the machine, I am talking about the ones that they premade. These seem to be new and I am always a sucker for a burrito.
What took me back so far about this Wawa Breakfast Burrito was the cost of it. They are trying to charge like $2.89, that cost seems to be a bit ridiculous if you ask me. 3 Dollars after tax for a tiny Burrito with some scrambled eggs and sausage? They remind me of the McDonalds with the size of the them. McDonalds has them for cheaper though and the probably taste better.
Can’t make that determination yet though, give me sometime and ill grab one soon at my local Wawa for that outrageous price.
I was able to try the new Burritos the other day and I have to say they aren’t bad at all, the McDonalds ones still have a bit better flavor in my eyes but the Wawa Burrito is Slightly different in a good way…

They used a different type of cheese then McDonalds does, the Wawa cheese is Cheddar seems to be a bit better quality then the MCD Version. However they are each good in their own ways… The Sausage for the Wawa one is a bit different also, I believe they Wawa Sausage is some type of special Sausage. I believe it said that it was a Pork Sausage on the ingredients list.

Regardless of all that one thing is for sure, I would probably get the Burritos again, especially if they end up on sale like 2 for 3 bucks or something like that. My biggest gripe about the Burritos is the cost being higher than I would have liked to spend on them. I would like to see them at a price more like $2.00 or $2.50 or somethin in that area. Those extra $0.39 cents over the $2.50 is not really needed or necessary and price point of $2.50 or lower is perfect and should get them many sales…

Unfortunately the picture I got wasn’t very good because I was extremely eager to try it and hungry at the same time. I should add that I put a hot sauce on it also, just like I would do at MCD, only there they have a salsa like substance as opposed to a hot sauce like Wawa has. It used to be Texas Pete but they switched to a new no name brand. Definitely not as good, however what are ya going to do? Nothing lol.
Update 8/18/2024 – After launching a bacon version I fell in love with that one, been getting them for a while. Price doesn’t seem nearly as bad with all the inflation going on. Recently I’ve been noticing a decline in the bacon quality they use. It seems to consist of many fatty large un-chewable pieces. Hopefully this gets rectified soon!