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Cryptocurrency Mining Rig

My Mining Rig

Full Mining Rig 18 Graphics Cards (AMD rx470, rx570, rx580)
Motherboard from the 6 Graphics Card Mining Rig
CryptoMining Calculator – Not really that Accurate, I believe the numbers are Low.
540 MHS @ 2100 watt – 18 AMD Graphic Cards – 2 Biostar Motherboard – 4 PSU Corsair EVGA

This is the result of the Evolution of my Mining Rig. This may not even be the end as I continue to work on making it more efficient and safer while increasing its life span. Over these last two years it has changed dramatically and as a result we have this beauty. This is truly a magnificent work of art that I am extremely proud of. What this represents is that no matter what the challenge if you put you mind to something, do your research, and put in the work you can accomplish anything. I had the idea to build a miner with absolutely no knowledge of the subject and no direct help. After all the hard work and countless hours I ended up with this Sexy Beast.

Sources: Photos of my Mining Rig, Screen Shot of the Cryptomining Calculator, My Youtube Technically Saved Mining Rig Showcase Video.

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