Greta Thunberg is a pawn
The only thing that baffles me more than the fact adults are using a child as a puppet is the fact that people are actually falling for her fake emotional speeches and virtue signaling that helps legitimize her ludicrous claims. No Greta the World is not going to end in 12 years if we don’t do anything, humans adapt and change to survive, we always have and always will. Miami will find a way to combat the rising sea levels to avoid being wiped off the map.
Yep the World is going to End in 12 Years…
Greta Thunberg is a pawn…
“How dare you! You have stolen my dreams, my childhood… Entire Ecosystems are collapsing, we are in the begining of a Mass Extinction!”
The lil faces she makes too drive me nutz!
Btw honey ur parents or whoever is your handler or puppet master are the ones who have stolen your childhood. Parading your up there with not regard for the effects it may have on you… its sad #GretaThunberg has puppet masters with political environmental aspirations, I agree we should reduce admissions and pollution we just disagree in the severity and the belief the the planet will survive another 12 years just fine without doing anything more that what is already being done in the world.